
Minnesota can be a global leader in feeding our growing population

May 2, 2023

Guest writer Brian Buhr writes how the need for agricultural research is at an all-time high, "yet funding for agricultural research and development continues to decline."

Careers with a calling survey shows interest in Ag

April 25, 2023

A new survey shows a large percentage of high school students are interested in careers that involve agriculture, food, natural resources, and the environment.

Off-farm landowners share their families' stories of transition

April 24, 2023

MPR News Host Cathy Wurzer talked with two farmland owners and William Lazarus, an extension economist and professor at the University of Minnesota, about farmland transitions and the roles of heirs and renters in Minnesota farm country.

Swine & U: Organic rye is finding a home with hogs

April 20, 2023

An experiment is underway to evaluate hybrid rye in a full cycle — from hybrid rye, to feed and bedding, to animals, to manure, and back to hybrid rye. U of M Researcher Joel Tallaksen and Professor Bill Lazarus will be evaluating the economics and impacts of the entire system.

Teens value working for companies with positive environmental impact: Survey

April 5, 2023

A survey of high schools on what’s important to them in their future careers found they prioritize purpose, specifically addressing sustainability, hunger, and environmental concerns.

Local View: Let's help, not hurt, disabled workers in Minnesota

March 31, 2023

Paying all workers, disabled or not, the same wage confuses two types of equity

Letter: By eliminating wages for the disabled, Minnesota Legislature will hurt rather than help

March 23, 2023

"Without the subminimum wage allowance, even employers who want to hire the disabled will have a disincentive to do so," University of Minnesota professor Carlisle Ford Runge writes.

R&D in agriculture and food declining, experts say

August 23, 2022

R&D investment in food and agriculture on the decline, experts say; Asia Pacific now accounts for almost half of world spending on agri-food R&D; China accounts for around 23 per cent of global agri-food R&D spending

Fixing child care: What expanded public subsidies could mean for children, families, and teachers

June 14, 2022

As Congress considers the future of child-care policy in the U.S., subsidies for young children’s care and education are an important tool under consideration. Substantial evidence indicates that high-quality early care and education (ECE) experiences, facilitated through policies to expand and enhance program offerings, can support both parents’ employment and children’s development over the short and long term.