Library Catalog
The online catalog includes all publications in Waite Library & Learning Commons, including dissertations and theses, books, and working papers, including links to online resources. You can search multiple fields (e.g. title, subject, author), "filter" or refine search results, and email or export search results.
Department Theses
Includes Ph.D. theses, Master's theses, and Plan B papers completed in the department
Minnesota Applied Economist
Twice yearly departmental report, formerly known as the Minnesota Agricultural Economist (1968-2001) and Minnesota Farm Business Notes (1914-1968).
Marginal Memos
Weekly departmental newsletter
Staff Papers
The Staff Paper series from the Department of Applied Economics has been published since 1968. All 1,200+ papers are available in full-text via AgEcon Search and are also indexed in the Waite Library catalog, where you can filter papers by subject in addition to year or author.
Affiliated Center Publications
Center for International Food and Agricultural Policy Working Papers (CIFAP) since 1992, The Food Industry Center Working Papers (TFIC) since 1996, International Science & Technology Practice & Policy Center (InSTePP) since 2007, Center for Farm Financial Management (CFFM), Economic Development Center (EDC) since 1973, and The Center for Political Economy (CPE) from 1996-1998
Departmental Report Series
Economic information, studies, reports, and department-sponsored series dating back to 1921
Department Publications Lists
Departmental faculty and students publish research results in journals, write working papers, deliver presentations at conferences, and manage web resources. Their work is compiled in this annual publications list and indexed by author. Also included are publications of former department members where the publications are based on work conducted while at the University of Minnesota. Browse Department Publication lists by year in AgEcon Search.