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Yost Family Scholarship

The Yosts are a multi-generational family of alumni from the University of Minnesota. The family farms about 5,000 acres in west-central Minnesota. Michael Yost has been a state and national leader in soybean promotional organizations as well as in his home community. He's held high-ranking positions in both the federal Farm Service Agency and the U.S. Agriculture Department's primary international agency, the Foreign Agricultural Service. Michael Yost was selected to receive the Department of Applied Economics Outstanding Alumni Award in 2007 and the College's Siehl Prize in 2015. Michael and Sandra Yost created this scholarship to support those who share their passion for higher education at the University of Minnesota, specifically in applied economics in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences.

Students who apply for CFANS scholarships (deadline March 1 of each year) are automatically considered for this scholarship.

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Willis Peterson Scholarship

The Willis Peterson Scholarship was established to support the studies of a lower-division undergraduate student majoring in either Agricultural and Food Business Management (pre-major) or Applied Economics.

Professor Peterson taught both Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics for many years, and won the University's highest award for teaching excellence, the Horace T. Morse - University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. His research was in the area of production economics and agricultural policy, and he had a stellar publication record, including a path-breaking paper with Yoav Kislev entitled "Prices, Technology, and Farm Size" published in the Journal of Political Economy. Willis Peterson passed away in 1999 after a battle with cancer. Colleagues, friends, and relatives established this scholarship in his honor as a way to encourage students at the University of Minnesota to pursue their interests in economics. 

Students who apply for CFANS scholarships (deadline March 1 of each year) are automatically considered for this scholarship.

Donate to the Willis Peterson Scholarship fund

Routhe-Christiansen Scholarship

This scholarship was made possible through the generous financial contributions of Hal Routhe and Elaine Christiansen. Established in 2006, this scholarship provides funding for upper class undergraduate or graduate students enrolled full time in CFANS and studying in the Department of Applied Economics. Emphasis is placed on character, motivation, potential and financial need.

Hal (Harlund G.) Routhe, Professor Emeritus, is a 1951 graduate of the College of Agriculture with a B.S. in Agricultural Economics and Education and M.S. in 1954. Professor Routhe devoted his career to the University, including positions as 4-H Youth Development Agent, Research Assistant, Extension Economist in Farm Financial Management Program Director in Agriculture and Related Industries, and Associate & Acting Director of the Extension Service.

Martin K. Christiansen, Professor Emeritus, received his B.S. degree in 1950, his M.S. degree in 1956 and his Ph.D. in 1964, all from the U of M. He joined the University staff as an instructor in the Department of Agricultural Economics in 1954 and was appointed to the Agriculture Extension staff in 1958. His career was devoted to dairy marketing, public policy and world trade issues with implications for Minnesota producers and agri-business firms. Martin retired in 1982 after 30 years of federal service with the University, the F.B.I. and the U.S. Navy.

Students who apply for CFANS scholarships (deadline March 1 of each year) are automatically considered for this scholarship.

Donate to Routhe-Christansen Scholarship fund

Applied Economics Undergraduate Centennial Scholarship

The Centennial Scholarship was established in 2007 by alumni, faculty, and friends wishing to support scholarships to students with an interest in pursuing applied economics as a course of study.

Students who apply for CFANS scholarships (deadline March 1 of each year) are automatically considered for this scholarship.

Donate to the Applied Economics Centennial Undergraduate Scholarship fund

Easter Family Scholarship

This scholarship was made possible through the generous financial contributions of Dr. William Easter, a former Professor in Applied Economics, and his wife, Carolyn.  They established this scholarship for students, with financial need, pursuing study in environmental and natural resource economics.

Professor Easter joined the Applied Economics Department at the University of Minnesota in January 1970 and taught and conducted research for 42 years. His major areas of interest were resource economics and development with an emphasis on water resources. He and his wife Carolyn raised three children, and are enjoying five wonderful grandchildren – and watching them go through college (along with his 42 years working with applied economics students!) encouraged him to establish this scholarship for applied economics and resource economics students. He believes it is critical that students are able to finish their last two years in college.

Students who apply for CFANS scholarships (deadline March 1 of each year) are automatically considered for this scholarship. 

Donate to the Easter Family Scholarship fund

Ways to Give

Contributions to each of the funds identified on this site are made through the University of Minnesota Foundation and are fully tax-deductible. The foundation offers several convenient ways for you to contribute to our department. Gifts can be made on an annual basis or as a multi-year pledge.

When making a gift, be sure to specify a fund and mention the Department of Applied Economics. This will ensure that we will receive your gift, as well as any matching gift your employer may provide.