Gigi DiGiacomo

Gigi DiGiacomo
Research Fellow
146H Ruttan Hall



M.S., Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, 1997
B.A., Economics and French, University of St. Thomas, 1991

Areas of Interest

Organic Agriculture, Integrated Pest Management, Horticultural Economics, Sustainable Food Systems, Business Planning, Invasive Species


Specializes in organic and sustainable food systems. Research areas include: Integrated pest management (IPM) and organic production strategies for horticultural and row crops; cover cropping; organic transition; and farm business planning.

Board Service

MDA Emerging Farmers Working Group (2023-Current)  
Northcentral Integrated Pest Management Task Force, 2020-2022  
Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) International Research & Education, 2010- 2011 
Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (MISA), 2005-2011 

Honors and Awards

Senior Fellow in the Endowed Chair Program of the School of Agriculture, 2007-2008
